Online poker has a long history, and millions of players from different countries are involved. Online poker has many different levels for players to choose from.
The level will include micro, low, mid, and high-strake poker. If you are unsure about all these categories, here at MD88online, we will be discussing them in this article.
We will explain the poker stakes, how you can beat different poker stakes, and what you will encounter when you enter a different level of poker stakes.
We will start with the lowest poker stakes, micro-stakes which are only available in online poker.
Poker Stakes - Micro-Stakes

The micro-stakes are the most popular poker strakes in online poker. It attracts hundreds of thousands of players from all over the world.
There will be players there for fun, while others tend to build up their bankrolls and become professional poker players.
Not many players make it to the higher poker stakes at these micro poker stakes tables. Some micro-stakes players will quit playing after a few years.
If you are a beginner, micro-stakes poker will be a place for you to learn the poker rules. But the skills you learn during this table may not be very useful for higher tables at MD88online.
But the best thing at the micro-stakes table is that you won’t have much financial pressure as you learn your poker rules.
How to Beat Micro-Stakes Poker
- Value Bet Heavily: Players will want to see your hand at the micro-stakes table, even if they are sure they are beaten. You won’t have to worry too much about getting bluffed.
- Stop Calling: Try to make bets and raises in micro-stakes games. Don’t worry too much about bluff catching. Most of the players tend to play fairly and under-bluff.
- Stick to the ABCs: You don’t have to get too fancy in a micro-stakes game. As long as you stick to the basics and play in position, there is a high chance for maximum success.
Poker Stakes - Small-Stakes

Whether you have enough to beat the micro poker stakes or you have enough money to join the low-stakes games right away, it will be fun when you come to this level.
If you are successful enough, you will be able to win some reasonable winning. You will have the potential to win quite a sum now, but you will start to meet a few professional players.
You will need to adjust your strategy here. You will need some real online poker skills to beat these players, or you will be losing most of the time.
You will need to be more careful when looking into the game selection for small stakes. You will notice that some online poker sites have a softer small-stakes game.
How to Beat Small-Stakes Poker
- Use a HUD: You can track your opponent’s stats by using HUDs. You will meet familiar faces a lot more in small-stakes games. Huds will be very helpful, especially if you are meeting some regular players and you can get some ideas on the players’ tendencies.
- Choose Your Games: You should consider which table to sit at when playing. You will want to consider playing at multiple sites to get the best game.
- Maximize Your Rewards: Try to maximize your rewards, increasing your bankroll when playing small-stakes. You will need to understand the reward programs offered at different online casinos. Use it as an advantage.
Poker Stakes - Mid-Stakes

Mid-stakes can be quite competitive. You can win more cash here if you are skillful. Professional poker players start their careers at this level.
At this level, you will need some real online poker skills and an understanding of online poker to beat the professional poker player. You won’t be able to make it with your conversational skills.
How to Beat Mid-Stakes Poker
- Balance Your Ranges: It is important to balance your range at mid-stakes and add some bluffs to your opening, 3-betting, and 4-betting ranges.
- Look for Spots: In the mid-stake, you will want to wait for some recreational players to be in the games before you join the game. Otherwise, you will barely have a big edge.
- Try GTO: If you are having trouble adjusting your skills at mid-stakes, you may want to consider learning the game theory optimal approach. If you learn the basic concepts, you will win a decent amount of games.
Poker Stakes - High-Stakes

Very few players reach this level. Some fall off along the way as they can’t beat the lower stakes, while others may not want to jump into the game where they need thousands of dollars to play.
Players who reach this level will have a well-balanced range. You will want to make sure that you have an excellent online poker strategy to make a good profit. To win in high-stakes poker is all about game selection and waiting for a bad player to play in the game.
You will need some good coaching to learn about poker, or high-stakes poker games are too tough for you. This makes high-stakes poker less attractive.
How to Win at High-Stakes Poker
- Get Good Coaching: You need good coaching from other players who have experience at this level if you want to win at high-stakes poker. Make sure that you know everything about poker.
- Game Select Carefully: It won’t be a good idea to randomly choose your online poker table for high-stakes games. Most of the time, it will be familiar faces. You will want to play will new players who just appeared or those who have just come from a lower level.
- Include Some Mid-Stakes: You won’t always find an excellent high-stakes game. Play a mid-stakes game when you can’t find one. You may even make more.
Poker Stakes - Nosebleed

This will be the highest poker stakes in online casinos. It is often known as “The Nosebleeds” for very high stakes at the table. Very few players managed to play at this table.
Nosebleed stakes rarely run nowadays. There were only a few players if any tables were open. If you follow online poker news, you may even hear of these players.
How to Beat Nosebleed Poker Games
- Forget About the Money: The amount you will be betting at this level will cost you cars and houses. You will need to forget about the value. So be prepared to lose a car or house if you are playing at this level, or you better not want to be involved.
- Be Cautious: Many high-stakes professional players have suffered setbacks in their careers at this level. You will want to be careful when you play at this level.
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